I decided to run as Little Red Running Hood...a quick run into town to finish my costume the night before my flight found me wearing jeans and a tank top and being perfectly fine, not a hint of a chill...so I had no worries with my costume being too thin. Sometimes I REALLY don't think things through!!! Minnesota in late October...nuff said. I stepped off the plane and instantly searched out a running store! A quick stop later yielded arm sleeves, compression shorts, compression socks, and an ear band...for warmth! Friday morning I headed to the start in 31 degree weather...what was I thinking?
A quick visit to stage with an explanation of my costume and I was off to the start line.
Despite the layers, ruffles, and elastic I wasn't worried about chaffing as there was compression gear under nearly everything! I toyed with whether to try to go sub 2 for a third consecutive race or to just enjoy the run. I opted to just see how I felt and go with it. I did realize the air was MUCH more dry than I am used to and tried to grab a little extra water before starting....
Soon enough we were off...
I'd left my hair down, partially for warmth and partially for the costume...I'd never run with my hair down for more than 4 miles before, so I was not sure how that would go. But there was no issue.
My hood didn't stay up long, it just kept blowing off so I let it stay off.
I got warm fairly quickly but didn't actually get warm enough to really sweat until around mile 9.5 or 10 and even then not too much. The course itself was pretty good with a decent amount of crowd support/energy and plenty to look at while passing the time. I didn't see a mile marker until mile 4, but may have just missed them. There was a lot of uphills...short and slow for the most part, but lots of up and didn't really feel much down. I still have no idea how we went up so much without going down unless it was just in my head due to the hills of the previous weekend. Overall I felt good and kept running well, but wasn't thinking sub 2 was happening, didn't dwell on it either though. At least not until around mile 11 when I checked my time and realized it could happen. I didn't obsess about it, but that close I went ahead and pushed a little harder than I really felt like. I finished in 1:59:19! 3 for 3 on sub 2...didn't know if that was a good thing or not...set the bar for the next day. Not worrying about that, I headed to the info booth to see if they had official times posted anywhere (wanted to verify the Garmin). When I got there I was surprised to see I'd actually gotten third place in the costume contest!
I verified my time, collected my costume award, and headed to the car...realizing that wearing the hair down for 13.1 miles results in a massive rat's nest!
On the way back I grabbed a few bags of ice and put myself through a bit of an ice bath because the day hadn't started cold enough I suppose!
Then a quick shower and off to the wedding! It was a beautiful wedding and a fabulous time! I won't elaborate much or add pictures as I haven't had the opportunity to ask the bride's permission, but the trip was about the wedding with the races being side activities and the wedding was definitely the highlight of the trip! After celebrating with the couple for a bit and a 4 1/2 hour drive there was still time for a few hours of sleep in Iowa before heading to the startline.
Council Bluffs was my first USRA event and I was anxious to see how it was run as they have other races in states I have not completed yet. My first impression came moments after registering when I saw the statement that there was no race morning packet pickup. I typically am better about checking that out before registering and panicked that I'd really messed up. I fired off an email explaining the situation and within moments had not just 1, but 2 responses assuring me I could pick up on race morning. I felt a bit relieved that this would be a good event. Arriving at the address for the start line at 7AM there seemed to be no start line around. I noticed a field off the side of the road and a sign saying something about YMCA field so gave it a shot. There was indeed a dozen or so folks around and the beginings of a start line. I laughed that there was no way there was going to be an 8AM start when this is what it looked like at 7:05...shame on me...I was WAY wrong! I picked up my packet and headed across the street to a convenience store, by the time I got back it was a completely different place and race ready! I would definitely warn others to beware though...it would have been VERY easy to simply dismissed this area as the start and spent the time looking elsewhere and missed the race.
As I lined up I decided not to even attempt sub 2 today...I have been struggling with some health stuff and my ankle has been bad since turning it during Saint Louis, on top of that the cold just made it a no go for me. Everyone at the start area was incredibly nice. We set off on the street, but I noticed they seemed to be more concrete than asphalt...not friendly for the ankle. I'd also been experimenting with shoes for the last two months and as such was testing a theory by wearing my minimalist shoes for the last 4 1/2s...minimalist shoes on this surface wasn't worth testing the theory, but I was already in it with no alternative but to put in the miles.
At the 1 mile marker we turned off the road and onto a concrete bike path. The first of 4 water stops on this out and back course was at this point (total of 8 stops given the out and back, water and Gatorade offered at each but no GU, so bring your own if you need it!). The concerte continued to be a source of discomfort as I took a miserable pounding.
I was already suffering...though I did hope the concrete would give way to a different surface before long and considered running in the grass on the side but was afraid the uneven surface would cause me to turn the ankle worse.
While running on the bike path meant no worries of traffic and the water stops were amply manned, it did not afford the opportunity for much crowd support. There were VERY few people along the course and those that were there did not offer much encouragement. Other than those at the water stops, during the entire out and back 2 people actually cheered as I ran by...not good for adding energy to a race you already aren't feeling. Adding to that the fact that there was not much to look at, made for a serious mental struggle to keep pressing on. I had thought Kansas was a boring course...this proved that Kansas was actually exciting.
Many times I just decided to knock it out to knock out the state. I was dealing with major pain and walked frequently, though my heart and lungs felt great. I actually had so much pain going on that I had to stop twice...not just walk, but completely stop for a bit. Finally around mile 3.5 - 4 the concrete gave way to asphalt which helped a little, but I still struggled. This shot is truly a look of pain just before the transition to asphalt.
The biggest challenge of the course was not the hills, but rather the lack of scenery/energy...overall I'd have to rate this my most miserable/boring race/course to date. I'm often asked what my favorite race has been. That is almost inevitably followed with an immediately 'and your least favorite'? I've always struggled with those questions because I have always found good things about each and every course I have run. I now have the second part of that question answered regardless of how much running I do in the future.
As we approached the mile 12 marker we returned to the road, I'd actually found myself looking forward to this marker as I knew the last mile would have traffic to contend with but would offer something to look at.
I crossed the line in 2:14:19 despite the many walking breaks and the two stops. I wasn't upset by that at all. I'd checked the state, that was the important thing. An announcement had been made at the start line that the medals had been mistakenly sent to the race director's FL office vs. the race headquarters, so they will have to be mailed...that was a slight disappointment, but things happen - of course, I can't help but wonder if we'll ever actually see a medal based on how slack the race/preparations/course/support were, but I'll give them a shot. I headed to the car to hit the hotel for a shower before driving back to MN with plans to set some doctor's appointments first thing Monday...I have too many races in the near future to push myself through injury and make it worse. What a difference a day can make...the high of 3 for 3 on sub 2 and a 3rd place costume contest placing to the low of a barely tolerable race with a lot of pain and the intent to set up doctor appointments.