Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Are You Living or Taking Up Space?

My son frequently tells me if you aren't living on the edge you're taking up too much space.  As a mother, that tears my nerves up.  But, admittedly, I get hurt more frequently than him!  And this year it seems as though I've been especially accident/injury prone.  So, you'll likely find it no surprise that I'm again all jacked up. 

While helping my sister move over Thanksgiving weekend, our kids started packing the U-Haul...they apparently aren't great Tetris players because there was PLENTY of wasted space.  So, throughout the day I found myself in the back of the truck climbing on top of things, rearranging, shoving things into every little space I could find.  I'd spent a good deal of time walking on a bookshelf and moving things around, stepping over to the pinball machine and back.  So, at the end of the day with just a few things remaining, I held one end of a futon while my sister held the other.  I was standing on the bookshelf again and stepped backwards (without looking) to the pinball machine....only I'd moved about 3' to the left and there was nothing there.  For the record, air walking in a UHaul while holding a futon is not the best idea. 

When I could get up we finished packing the truck.  I had been standing where the rocker is here and ended up on my back on the box of picture frames and mirrors where the weird patio table frame is in this picture.  Somehow not a single picture or mirror broken.  I got lucky in that my injuries were soft tissue so they'll heal fairly quickly.  In the meantime I'm out of the gym because of the arm and I'm still recovering from the foot injuries so no running.  Needless to say I'm not a happy camper and am worried about losing progress.  I'm hoping to be back in the gym and pool next week.

In the meantime, while friends comment on how accident prone or clumsy I am, I've taken stock...No, I'm not accident prone, and I'm not particular clumsy (I was actually awarded "Most Graceful" in my ballet classes as a child).  I simply live life to the fullest.  I don't stop and think things through or worry about what might happen, I live.  I go full throttle through life, enjoying every minute of it, and when I hit the wall, I hit it hard.  Then I take the time to recover and go again.  I may not live on the edge, but I'm definitely not just taking up space either.  Go put in a few miles for me!!

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