Friday, December 28, 2012

Me Too...

There are as many different reasons to run as there are runners; and there are seemingly just as many reasons not to run - until you do.  Often times people hear about my running (or sometimes even ask) but instantly counter with "I hate running" - well, me too; or "I have bad knees" - me too; "I'm too busy" - me too....the list goes on.  You've got to want to get out the door for one reason or the other - and that reason is different for everyone - but once you give it a shot you'll discover so many more reasons to run than there are not to run. 

"I hate running."  I've completed 46 half marathons in 34 states since March 2010 and to this day I still have trouble dragging my butt out the door for that first step of a run.  I can lay my clothes, iPod, and Garmin out, pack a gym bag, set my alarm, and go to bed with ALL the motivation and good intentions in the world to run early in the morning - and 9 out of 10 times I wake up in the middle of the night, think "oh, that ain't happening!" and reset that alarm for my normal time.  Running in general is hard work and in this day and age where we seek to make things easier/more comfortable most people "hate" things that require work.  You will get sweaty, you will find it difficult, you will get will work.  It's easy to hate working.  But you'll also discover an endorphin rush, increased cardio fitness, a host of health benefits, and likely a firmer lower body to boot - all of which are equally easy to love!  As with everything else in life you have to take the good to get the may hate disciplining your kids, but you love that they are well behaved (most of the time); you may hate your morning commute, but you love being able to pay the bills; - so, hate running...just do it anyway. 

"I have bad knees."  At 19 years old I was told the only way I'd ever get relief from my knee pain was an experimental surgery with a 10% success rate.  I declined.  I knew "this" pain and could live with it.  When I first started running I didn't need a Garmin...I knew INSTANTLY if I did over 3 right knee told me and then reminded me for days not to do it again.  I'm not a doctor and I'm by NO means advising anyone to do something that causes them pain; but often times, the most comment knee pains don't come from the knees.  Take the time to find out why your knees (or whatever else) are hurting and you'll likely be able to run without the pain.  It took me YEARS to discover that a combination of tight IT bands and a weak right glute were actually what caused my knee pain and guess what - no surgery required and my knees no longer hurt!  A foam roller ($15) and a little added attention to the right side in the gym and I have to check the Garmin to know how far I've gone.  So, your knees hurt...start with having a running store fit you for shoes (HUGE difference when you run in the right shoes...I could do an entire post about that alone), do some stretching and foam rolling, see a chiropractor, or ask your doctor for his input into possible causes - likely the knee pain is a symptom of an underlying problem, not the problem itself.  Bottomline, don't just shrug and say it hurts so I won't do it, find out why it hurts.

"I'm too busy."  Sorry, but cry me a river...aren't we all too busy now-a-days?  I work full time.  I have four kids.  I cook, clean, shuttle kids to practices, show up to cheer them on for games, attend awards banquets, schedule and run meetings, attend social events with friends/co-workers, ANDDDDDD.....I surf, quilt, scrapbook, workout, and run!  Bottomline, you make time for the things that are important to you.  If you want something bad enough you'll find a way to make it happen - so be busy...just go for a run anyway. 

Running is about so much more than pounding the pavement and offers so much more in return than the race medals.  You may start out of curiosity or to lose weight, maybe just to clear your head; but chances are you'll find new friends, improved health, and a host of other benefits that keep you coming back - me too.   

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