Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fall Lessons

Summer came and went way to quickly.  I talked about running a lot, but actually hitting the pavement was another thing entirely.  Long days at the beach and late nights with friends got in the way of training and fueling.  In July I did go for 1 five mile was hell.  I started talking to two of my cousins about doing a half with me in the fall and they agreed.  One of their daughters decided to join us as well.  So we started planning for the Diva Half Marathon in Long Island in October.  But even know I had Disneyland on the horizon and now the Diva didn't spur me to train.  I went on 1 run with the cousins in late August, only 3 miles and lots of walking intervals as they were just starting out, and I noticed my knees were starting to hurt.  I rationalized that my inserts were getting high miles on them (I'd replaced my shoes, but not my inserts); so I ordered a replacement pair.  All too quickly we were in Disneyland, I started getting REALLY nervous knowing I was completely unprepared for the race.  I decided I'd be happy with just finishing the race, crossing the line, and getting my Coast to Coast medal. 

True to Disney races, the start line was an experience...a big party, still dark, and a bit chilly.  Once we got going I just enjoyed taking in the sites.  Given that Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite princess I enjoyed running through her castle more than I had enjoyed Cinderella's. 
I kept expecting to feel worse than I did, but it didn't happen.  I'm not much of a sports fan, but running through Angel's stadium was really neat.

As I came out of the stadium I check my splits and was surprised to see I was on course for a good race.  As the miles ticked by I began wondering if I was actually going to PR.  I finished the race strong, and in complete disbelief, in 2:13:34. 

I felt great..until I stopped running!  Then my knees suddenly ached.  I didn't do much walking, let alone running, over the next couple of weeks while I let my knees recover.  I knew I needed to start training again, but with only a couple of weeks until the Diva I decided I'd better not cause the knees any undo stress. 

My cousins and I showed up at the Diva, excited and ready to run.  Still feeling great from my Disneyland PR I'd already let them know I intended to run ahead and see how I could do.  Unfortunately by Mile 4 I was in such great that I honestly didn't think I was going to be able to finish.  It hurt to run, but it hurt worse to hurt to stop but I had to swing my legs in a weird loop to get them going.  But I couldn't stop...afterall I'd talked them into running!  I pulled every bit of strength I could find deep inside to plow through those miles.  At Mile 12 there was a feather boat and tiara stop, shortly thereafter I played it up for a photographer crouching near the path...

but less than half a mile later another photographer that I hadn't seen caught the real picture, where I was forcing myself forward despite the pain.
I finished in 2:29:13 and horrible pain.  My cousins finished shortly thereafter and we all regrouped at the finish line.
The pain was nearly unbearable for the next week and gradually improved over the second week.  Unfortunately I'd already planned to run the Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon.  I couldn't risk aggravating my knees with training.

Myrtle Beach was a fun race.  The knees didn't flair up until around mile 10 and never got as bad as they had in the Diva, but they did hurt.
 My time was 2:28:41.  My lesson was learned...I needed to let the knees rest then get back to my training.  I couldn't continue to just run races.  After two weeks of resting I attempted a 3 mile easy training run.  I made it 2.67 miles before the pain stopped me.  A week later the knees finally felt ok so I tried again.  It was supposed to be a 5 mile run but ended up being 4.54 miles before the pain.  The next day I tried 3 miles and managed 1.67 before the pain stopped me.  2 days later I tried 4 miles and the pain stopped me at 3.1 miles.  I finally called enough and went to the doctor.  With a diagnosis of tendonitis in both knees and an order to quit running and start physical therapy I warned I would with the exception of the Las Vegas Rock N Roll (RNR) Half Marathon I'd be running in three weeks. 

At the expo for the RNR I discovered a booth that was selling a nifty little velcro strap that goes around the knee and helps with knee pain.  I tried it during the race on my right knee (the one with the majority of the pain) and was thrilled to finish strong without an incredible amount of pain.  In a new development I also ran the entire race without my iPod! 

Unfortunately my left knee flared up worse than ever.  I also noticed my left ankle felt a little "swishy".   I flew home on the red eye and already had a therapy session scheduled for the day I arrived.  I described the swishy feeling and the doctor took a look at my ankle and was stunned to find it severely sprained.  She couldn't believe I didn't have more pain from it, but the pain from the knees overpowered it! I recommitted to no running and physical therapy until healed, then beginning to train properly.

During this timeframe I'd also began seriously looking into the Rock N Roll series and decided 2011 would be the RNR year...I planned to maximize my races to get the most Heavy Medals possible.

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