Thursday, July 7, 2011

Training and Learning to Race

I quickly found an online Half Marathon training program and set some goals.  The program had a prep program that you had to be able to complete for 5 weeks before starting the actual training, so I started it.  On September 29, 2009 I ran my first training run, 3 miles.  Over the next few weeks I was off on Monday and Friday, ran 3 miles on Tuesday, 4 miles each Wednesday and Thursday, 3 miles on Saturday, and a "long" run on Sunday.  My first long run was 5 miles, week 2 and 3 I ran 7 miles each for my long run, week 4 I ran 10 miles for my long run, and week 5  I ran 14 miles on my long run.  I struggled to drag my butt out of bed or force myself to hit the road many days.  My shins burned and the small muscles of my feet hurt.  Often I'd just tell myself to check the workout off the calendar and I'd be one day closer to a rest day.  The first day I ran 14 miles was ridiculously hot.  Of course I'd run without water, rookie mistake.  I felt horrible.  I seriously eyed mud puddles on the last mile and a half and wondered just how sick I'd get.  In the end I stuck it out.  After the run I jumped in the car and drove it didn't matter how thirsty I was...I was on cloud nine to realize I'd gone further than my goal race distance and felt ok.

I registered for a local 5K to get a taste for racing.  I learned a lot that day.  When we started I just took off with the herd.  I had no idea where I was in the crowd, I just kept hoping I wasn't last.  Finally we rounded a corner and I glanced over my shoulder to realize there were A LOT of people behind me, so I settled a little but I kept my pace cranking.  I wouldn't stop.  There was a young boy that kept passing me.  I remembered those brown knee socks...he'd sprint past me, I'd let him, then I'd continue at my pace and end up passing him as he walked, he'd sprint again and the cycle would continue.  The distance between mile 2 and 3 felt insanely long, but I kept at it...and brown socks did too.  As we rounded the final corner before the finish line I felt someone creeping up on me.  I decided with such a short distance left there was NO way brown socks was beating me and I broke into a sprint.  The finish line was further away than I thought...that was a long sprint!  But...brown socks didn't pass me!   Neither did the person trying to pass me or the 3 other people between brown socks and I! 

I set a 5K PR of 28 minutes that day.  I also learned that not all races have finishers medals and that I enjoy running for bling!  But the biggest lesson of the your own race.  I've carried that lesson with me in ever race I've run since.

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