Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Philly RNR

The Philadelphia Rock N Roll was only 2 weeks after VA Beach, so we were still pumped and riding the momentum from a great race weekend when we rolled into Philly.  It was also George's bday weekend so we were looking forward to celebrating with him!!   He even ran wearing a birthday banner!

In addition, several of our friends were amongst the first group to get their Rock Idol medals and they were receiving them after the race!  And, of course, I met even more RNR friends at the expo and race.

After the expo and some visiting we went our separate ways for the evening.  I headed back to the hotel and did my typical race prep (lay out my outfit, fill out the back of my bib, lay out everything from body glide to garmin to GU, and fasten my bib to my race belt)...only my iPod and armband were no where to be found!  Again with the momentary panic (I don't know why I flip out so much when I think I forgot the iPod...I've run several races without it by choice and have been fine...but if it's not there when I plan to have it you'd think I couldn't take a step without it!)...again mentally retracing the steps of last time I had it...and again, checking the camera bag and finding it.  This time though...of my goodness was it ripe!  It had been put in there at the end of the VA Beach race 2 weeks before...very sweaty when it went in that nice dark, closed up space.  It was awful!  I hoped it'd air out some overnight.  Then it was time to fuel before bed.  Unfortunately we found out quickly that runners were EVERYWHERE and waiting lines were ridiculous.  As we walked block after block discovering waits of 1 1/2 - 2 hours I got crabbier and crabbier.  Thankfully the iPhone quickly turned up an Applebee's nearby and a quick call revealed no wait...not exactly my normal pre-race meal, but it was food and would give me time to get to sleep!  After dinner we walked back to the hotel and I crashed.

Race morning was a little chilly compared to the most recent races, but nothing bad, just brisk.  As I pulled on my compression sleeves I thought twice about the iPod and armband and then decide what the heck.  It smelled horrid, but I thought no one would notice but me.  I met up with everyone in the VIP area and we all got a good laugh at how bad the armband smelled...yes, everyone noticed.  Then we headed to the start line.  We all started in the first corral because the Rock Idol folks needed to be done in time to be on stage for their medal presentation.  The race started and off we went. 
I settled into my pace fairly quickly but was quick to notice sometime amiss with my heart rate.  I couldn't put a finger on it but my heart rate was way too high for this early in a race and this little effort.  It took a great deal of focus to get it to settle and nearly as soon as it would settle it's randomly spike again.  I saw several friends on the course and commented on it and told them I wasn't going for time today, just trying to figure out what was up and get through it.  The race course was amazing, gorgeous sites, a bit of history, amazing spectators with lots of enthusiasm - everything I've come to expect from a Rock N Roll series event!
I finally fell into a rythm around mile 5 and started enjoying the scenery.  After another half mile I saw Louie in front of me.  Before the race he'd mentioned that he'd never broke 2:20 in a half.  I did a quick check and realized we were on track to slide in just under 2:20 and I decided it'd hang behind him unnoticed and if he needed someone I'd help him rally and get a PR.  The crowd would thicken on occassion, then thin again, and once in a while I lost him but he'd turn back up.  I happily plodded along, enjoying the course, with a mission. 

As we prepared to cross the bridge to begin the return along the other side of the river we went through a water stop around mile 8 12/ - 9, I continued along - my previous heart rate issues long forgotten - when suddenly the world closed in on me.  I have NO idea what happened, but I quickly realized I was going down...my vision tunneled and things started getting dark.  I immediately dropped to a squat with my elbows supporting my upper body on my knees and tucked my head between my knees to keep from passing out....this was right in the middle of the course with runners having to dodge around me.  I knew full well I was putting myself at risk of begin run into and causing a pile up, but I also knew I had no choice...I was going to pass out if I didn't.   My vision cleared and I slowly stood up and resumed a walk.  Louie was long gone, but my focus now was on simply finishing without any health issues.  I started a slow jog.  I felt ok so I kept that pace for a bit.  The rest of the race I tried to enjoy the course and the people (and I really did...it was a good run) but I was very preoccupied with what was going on with my body.  I had to take several walk breaks over the last three miles.   A picture that was snapped of me from an overpass around mile 12 1/2 reveals how "hurting" I was.

My form was shot as I shuffled through.

I crossed the line in 2:20:18.  I saw Louie in the crowd in front of me and congratulated him for his PR and we set off to the VIP tent to find everyone. 
None of our group was there...as we looked around we saw George's hair sticking up from behind the 6' privacy fence around the backstage area!  You can't miss George in a crowd! 

We joined the group backstage and shared some laughs and stories while we waited for them to get their Rock Idols.  I told them about my issues and laughed that it was likely the stench of my armband getting to me.
As the first group of Rock Idol's came off of the stage we all enjoyed our own accomplishments and looked towards our remaining goals for the year.
As we walked back to our hotel we couldn't help but pause for a picture in Love Park...afterall, it is the city of Brotherly Love!

All in all Philly was a great race that I'll likely do again sometime...but it left me a bit sad as I realized I didn't have a Rock N Roll event for another month and a half and the rest of my friends have several more before I'd see them again. 

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